Message from our supplier of hand sanitizers
Canadian Government Regulations pertaining to Sanitizers .
In an ongoing effort to protect our distributors and remain ahead of our competitors, we wish to keep you advised on the established Health Canada facts.
The following regulations when selling Hand Sanitizers should be followed:
To Sell, Hand Sanitizers in Canada by Law the product must carry and have printed on the Front & Back an Active Health Canada Registered, Approved and Certified DIN # (Drug Identification Number) or NPN #. Very few AMERICAN OR CANADIAN Manufacturers have Registered Health Canada DIN or NPN #s FDA products from the USA do NOT automatically qualify as DIN # Products.
Even if the American company has a DIN # for their product the Canadian company importing the product must meet all the Health Canada Regulations.Health Canada can and will cause Distributors, at their expense, to recall any and all health related products Imported or Sold by you or your End-User that have not met all of the above requirements.
If an End-User should report to Health Canada that the product you sold them does not carry a registered Heath Canada DIN or NPN # they will cause the Distributor to do a total recall of the Product at the Distributor's expense.
Canada Customs is fully aware of the Health Canada Regulations and they can and will prohibit the entry of these products into Canada and bill you for the costs and fees related to this procedure. Your shipment may get past Customs Canada but when Health Canada gets wind of it you can be subject to various fines, penalties and a recall at your expense.
BE AWARE: We kindly urge all our distributors to follow the above regulations, as we would not want this to happen to any of our Distributors, as it has already happened to some ''unnamed'' Distributor and Health Canada informed us that they had been fined by the Canadian Health agency earlier last year.
Cost to them, $10,800.00 plus the cost to re-call the product from their customer and the people their customer gave the products to, plus the cost to destroy the product and now they are on Canada Customs watch list. We hope this information is of help to you!
This message was distributed by PPPC Canada in October 2009.
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