jeudi 28 mai 2009

Yet another innovation: we're on Twitter

We already told you that we are fan's of Web 2.0 initiatives.
Just by creating this blog we wanted to use all the possibilities offered by the internet to be able to communicate our most creative ideas in ways that a simple website didn't allow us to do.
While we are working on a new design for our website (because we are really aware of the fact that it does need to be updated to match our real personality) we find that the blog at least gives a better idea of who we are and why we like this industry. The goal of this blog being to let you know that:
- The promotional industry isn't only about pens, caps and t-shirts
- We have the tools and the creativity to help you develop complete your marketing strategy by using well thought of promotional products that are different and make a great impact. And that is what really makes a difference.
So to continue being available to all your questions and requests as well as being connected with other great players of the industry, we have created a Twitter Page.

What is Twitter? Twitter is a free service that lets you keep in touch with people through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?
I would add that with Twitter we also answer the following questions:
What are you working on?
What did you read, find interesting and want to share?
What did you write, and want to share?
What are you looking for? (cause we'd love to help)

Are we the first ones in our industry to do this? No we're not. But we're still in the bunch of early adopters and innovators in our industry and if you're on this blog or if you're one of our clients, well, you already knew it :)

For more information, please check our Twitter page here and if you're already on Twitter, please follow us :)

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